What WOULD June Dally-Watkins do? Trailer

Applying June Dally Watkins old school approach to modern manner dilemmas.
Join Jodie Bache-Mclean as we channel the late great June Dally-Watkins and see how her highly sought-after etiquette and deportment training translates today. With a new guest each week, we get into the nitty-gritty of what it means to be well-mannered and polite in a rude modern world. 

Does it really matter which fork we use at the dinner table? If you’re ordering a coffee, should you end the conversation you’re having on your phone? What should I do if I meet someone and realise I’ve forgotten their name? What Would June Dally Watkins do? 
Join us to find out. 

Creators and Guests

Jodie Bache-Mclean
Jodie Bache-Mclean
Jodie has been a part of June Dally Watkins for over 40 years, after her mother enrolled her in a course to help with her confidence when she was a teenager - Jodie then started working in the model agency as a booker only seven years later. Jodie now manages the business and has successfully navigated the Brisbane operation for the past 33 years. Offering specialised knowledge, personal experience and expertise, Jodie is perfectly suited to tell us what June Dally Watkins would do.
What WOULD June Dally-Watkins do? Trailer
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